There is one simple secret that can unlock your potential to beat the casino. My book covers my blackjack strategy, as well as techniques that I have used to be a successful blackjack player year after year. Many people who get a copy of my book are surprised to find that my blackjack strategy doesn’t consist of wacky card counting techniques or any plays based on superstition. My methods are practical. And the results speak for themselves.
People ask me, “Sam, how can I win at the casino?”
I tell them to buy my book.
Okay, back to that one simple secret that I was talking about.
There is one simple blackjack secret that you need to know, even if you don’t follow my methods.
Don’t drink alcohol while you’re playing.
Surely you wouldn’t show up drunk at the office to earn money. And neither should you be drinking at the casino when you’re playing to earn money.
I will say this time and time again. I have to remind both new and seasoned players of this. Drinking is counter-productive to your goal of winning money at the casino.
That’s why they are always offering free drinks! So let me say this in no uncertain terms: THE CASINO WANTS YOUR MONEY! By drinking, you’re going to help them get it!
Keeping your head clear is the first step to playing like a pro and winning at the casino.
In my book, you’ll learn how to use a clear head to make the right decisions at the blackjack table.
You can purchase my book right here from my website. I will personally autograph the book and also send a laminated strategy card that you can use at the blackjack table. This is your chance to finally win at casino blackjack.